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printed order form

См. также в других словарях:

  • order form — noun a form to use when placing an order • Hypernyms: ↑form * * * order form noun A printed form on which the details of a customer s order are written • • • Main Entry: ↑order * * * order form UK US noun [countable] [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Order — n. & v. n. 1 a the condition in which every part, unit, etc. is in its right place; tidiness (restored some semblance of order). b a usu. specified sequence, succession, etc. (alphabetical order; the order of events). 2 (in sing. or pl.) an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • order — n. & v. n. 1 a the condition in which every part, unit, etc. is in its right place; tidiness (restored some semblance of order). b a usu. specified sequence, succession, etc. (alphabetical order; the order of events). 2 (in sing. or pl.) an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • form — ▪ I. form form 1 [fɔːm ǁ fɔːrm] noun [countable] an official document with spaces to answer questions and add information: • a Medicare Benefits form • We need to receive your application form by July 31. • There was no delivery address on the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Order of Saint Augustine — Abbreviation OSA Formation March, 1256 Type Catholic religious ord …   Wikipedia

  • Order of Preachers —     Order of Preachers     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Order of Preachers     As the Order of the Friars Preachers is the principal part of the entire Order of St. Dominic, we shall include under this title the two other parts of the order: the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Order of the Thistle — Insignia of a Knight of the Order of the Thistle Awarded by the Queen of the United Kingdom Type …   Wikipedia

  • form — n 1: the structure of something (as a document) as distinguished from its matter a defect in form, not substance 2: established procedure according to rule or practice see also form of action 3: a printed or typed document with blank spaces for… …   Law dictionary

  • Order of the Arrow — Owner …   Wikipedia

  • Order and Abbey of Fontevrault —     Order and Abbey of Fontevrault     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Order and Abbey of Fontevrault     I. CHARACTER OF THE ORDER     The monastery of Fontevrault was founded by Blessed Robert d Arbrissel about the end of 1100 and is situated in a… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • form — [fôrm] n. [ME forme < OFr < L forma, a shape, figure, image < ? (via Etr) Gr morphē] 1. the shape, outline, or configuration of anything; structure as apart from color, material, etc. 2. a) the body or figure of a person or animal b) a… …   English World dictionary

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